(as of Mar 28, 2015)

Former PhD students with a PhD

  1. John van Bon (Affine distance-transitive groups, 7 May 1990; copromotor),
  2. Hans Cuypers (Geometries and permutation groups of small rank, 20 March 1989; copromotor),
  3. Jan Draisma (Lie algebras of vector fields, 4 June 2002),
  4. Rob Eggermont (Finiteness properties of varieties with large group actions, 27 May 2015, second promotor Jan Draisma),
  5. Hugo Elbers (Connecting informal and formal mathematics, 28 May 1998),
  6. Yael Fleischmann (A geometric approach to classical Lie algebras, 26 May 2015, copromotor Hans Cuypers),
  7. Bart Frenk (Tropical varieties, maps and gossip, 13 March 2013, copromotor Jan Draisma),
  8. Dié Gijsbers (BMW Algebras of Simply Laced Type, 1 November 2005),
  9. Willem de Graaf (Algorithms for finite-dimensional Lie algebras, 10 June 1997),
  10. Ralf Köhl (né Gramlich) (On graphs, geometries, and groups of Lie type, 23 May 2002, copromotor Hans Cuypers),
  11. Sergei Haller (Computing Galois cohomology and forms of linear algebraic groups, 12 October 2005),
  12. Maxim Hendriks (Platonic maps of low genus, 4 February 2013),
  13. Jack Koolen (Euclidean representations and substructures of distance-regular graphs, 21 Sep 1994; second promotor),
  14. Daan Krammer (The conjugacy problem for Coxeter groups, 10 October 1994),
  15. Nguyen Van Minh Man (Computer-algebraic methods for the construction of designs of experiments, 22 September 2005),
  16. Shoumin Liu (Brauer algebras of type B, 6 June 2012),
  17. Tim Mussche (Extremal combinatorics in generalized Kneser graphs, 16 April 2009; second promotor),
  18. Jos in't panhuis (Lie algebras, extremal elements, and geometries, 12 Oct 2009),
  19. Erik Postma (From Lie algebras to geometry and back, 8 May 2007),
  20. Remko Riebeek (Computations in association schemes and algebraic groups, 20 May 1998; second promotor),
  21. Dan Roozemond (Algorithms for Lie algebras of algebraic groups, 18 March 2010),
  22. Sander van Rijnswou (Testing the equivalence of planar curves, 11 April 2001),
  23. Marc Smeets (Parameter shifts in hypergeometric functions, 10 May 2000),
  24. Rikko Verrijzer (Context in interactive mathematics, personalizing mathematics, 3 December 2015, copromotor Hans Cuypers).

Former undergraduate students with an engineering degree

  1. Stijn van Dongen (1993, Algorithms for determining the sign of an exact real number),
  2. Jan Draisma (June 1998, An algebraic approach to Lie point symmetries of ordinary equations),
  3. Bart Frenk (August 2006, Generalized Brauer algebras),
  4. Dié Gijsbers (April 2001, Linear representations of Artin groups of finite type),
  5. Jan Willem Knopper (June 2006, Automatic proofs of graph nonisomorphism),
  6. Chris Krook (January 2004, Some graphs related to E7(q)),
  7. Jos in't panhuis (June 2005, Planar diagrams and combinatorial tensor categories),
  8. Erik Postma (January 2003, Covers of graphs related to the general linear group),
  9. Vincent Remie (August 2005, Efficient optimization of electronic circuits),
  10. Wannes Rosius (November 2005, Distance transitive graphs of type F4),
  11. Marc Smeets (October 1995, A natural extension of the Weyl group),
  12. Rudolf Tange (June 2002, Extremal elements in Lie algebra),
  13. Dan Roozemond (August 2005, Lie algebras generated by extremal elements).